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$CSAW CTF 2018 web50 and misc100 solutions

This is my writeup for the Web 50 CSAW CTF 2018 challenge named "LDAB". This challenge consists of a web form that allows users to search a LDAP database of users.

The input field is used to craft a query string the backend against the GivenName field. Given that, and the fact that only names with OU Employees are shown, I suspected that the string formatting for the query looks like this: (&GivenName={})(OU=Employees)). I am able to craft a LDAP query injection with the following string: *)(|(UID=*), which makes the formatted query like: (&(GivenName=*)(|(UID=*))(OU=Employees)) .

However, this only returns the users we already have access to see because the injected query is still contained inside of a bigger set constrained by an AND statement (&). After unsuccessful attempts to negate this, I thought that unformatted query might look like this (with a constraint on the left side that needed to be negated): (&(OU=Employees)(GivenName={})) .

After some trial and error, I came to this input, which ends the outer AND statement earlier, and creates an OR with OU=* that gathers and remaining users not constrained by the outer statement: *))(|(OU=*, which makes the formatted query like: (&(OU=Employees)(GivenName=*))(|(OU=*))

The Misc 100 challenge, named Algebra, challenged users that connected to solve equations for X. This is a pretty traditional CTF challenge, and I managed to solve it in 15 lines of Python code by using pwntools and sympy.

In the beginning of the round, users are prompted with the following banner and challenge, subsequent equations are presented as long as the correct solution for X is sent:

Are you a real math wiz?

nc misc.chal.csaw.io 9002

  ____                                     __ _           _            ___ ___ 
 / ___|__ _ _ __     _   _  ___  _   _    / _(_)_ __   __| |  __  __  |__ \__ \
| |   / _` | '_ \   | | | |/ _ \| | | |  | |_| | '_ \ / _` |  \ \/ /    / / / /
| |__| (_| | | | |  | |_| | (_) | |_| |  |  _| | | | | (_| |   >  <    |_| |_| 
 \____\__,_|_| |_|   \__, |\___/ \__,_|  |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|  /_/\_\   (_) (_) 
X + 2 = 25
What does X equal?: